Thursday, January 12, 2012

Travel prep

I have exactly two weeks until I arrive in sunny Cape Town and I can't believe how quickly time has flown. The only things that stand between me and South Africa are one more week of work, finishing my scrapbook, and packing (and let's be real I probably won't start until a week from Monday (aka the night before I leave)). That being said I have begun other preparations for my upcoming adventure. I got my visa in the mail today, which means that I am officially (and legally) going to South Africa. South Africa's visa process was a lot easier than Italy's (mostly because I didn't have to travel all the way to New York and go to the consulate in person). However, I did have to get a background check and several notarized papers. In terms of other prep, I have my flights booked and I got awesome luggage for Christmas (the kind that rolls both ways) and a new kindle, which will come in handy for my 30 hours of travel. The other day I even found out my housing placement while I'm there (although I'm not entirely sure what kind of housing it is...). For the mean time I don't have a lot of other exciting news except counting down to Cape Town!
